A Network Administrator has full administrative privileges over an organization’s Brosix private network, allowing them to access the “Web Control Panel” where they can add and remove users, purchase licenses, and adjust user settings. These privileges make the Network Administrator’s role crucial to the smooth functioning of any Brosix network.
Setting a New Administrator upon the Old Administrator’s Departure
In cases where the current Network Administrator leaves an organization, and the organization has no access to the Web Control Panel, it will be necessary to access their account and set a new administrator. There are two ways to do so, either through accessing the old administrator’s email account (if able), or contacting Brosix customer service.
Changing Administrators through the Old Administrator’s Email Account
The simplest way to set a new administrator is by accessing the former administrator’s email account and using the “forgotten password option.” After opening this web page, enter the administrator’s email address and click the “Reset Password” button. Upon clicking the button an automated email will be sent to the administrator’s email address with instructions as to how to reset the password.
Once the password is reset you can access the team network and choose a new Network Administrator by either changing the current administrator and/or add multiple administrators.
Changing Administrators by Contacting Brosix Customer Service
Customers who do not have access to the old Network Administrator’s email account should contact Brosix Customer Service for further instructions.