Brosix Knowledge Base
What does Brosix price include?
Brosix price is subscription based. You pay for the service monthly, quarterly or annually. You have the flexibility to increase and decrease the number of users at any time. This way you control your expenses instantly according to the changes in your business needs. Brosix price includes all your costs for the service: servers rent […]
Brosix for free
I have a small company and we have been using free messenger. Can I use the free Brosix Public “Brosix for Personal Use” for myself and employees? I have compared the “Brosix for Company”, but we do not have the need for those features at this time. I just want to make sure I would […]
How to sign up for Brosix Team network?
Please go to and fill in the form. Your team network will be ready and fully functional in a minute. Full list of Brosix Instant Messenger Features
Can I receive a message, file or a voice call if the sender is not in my contacts list?
No, you cannot. You can be contacted only by people that are in your contacts list. If someone is not in your contacts list and wants to communicate with you, you will be asked for a permission. If you grant a permission, this user will be added to your contacts list and you will be […]
Can I send a message if the recipient is offline?
Yes, you can. Just send the message from the Text Chat window. The message will be delivered to the recipient as soon as he/she gets online. The offline messages are kept for delivery up till 10 days. After that they will be considered expired and deleted from the messages queue. Full list of Brosix Instant […]